890 North Bush Street
Ukiah, CA 95482

Also in:
Lake County
John attended both UC Davis and the University of Arizona. His undergraduate degree is in animal science and agricultural economics with emphasis in business management. His graduate studies were in range management and his thesis research was on grazing behavior. He is a member of both the Society for Range Management and the American Society for Animal Science and served as president of the Cal-Pac section of SRM in 2008. He holds license #23 as a Certified Rangeland Manager by the California Board of Forestry and is also a Certified Rangeland Professional #CP01-495. Presently he is the secretary/treasurer for the Mendocino/Lake Wool Growers Association and is ad hoc Director of the Mendocino/Lake County Cattlemen’s Association. 2022 marks 31 years as the UCCE Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor in Mendocino and Lake Counties. During that time he has served as County Director in both Mendocino and Lake Counties off and on for a little less than half that time. He served, statewide, from 2014 to 2017 as the UC ANR Strategic Initiative Leader for Sustainable Natural Ecosystems.
- Mendocino County Agriculturalist of the Year - 2022
Presented by 12th District Agricultural Association Redwood Empire Fair, https://www.redwoodempirefair.com/, 2022
- 2019 Range Manager of the Year
Presented by California-Pacific Section of the Society for Range Management, https://casrm.rangelands.org/HTML/awards.html, 2019
- JCWRE Paper of the Year
Presented by Universities Council on Water Resources, https://ucowr.org/awards/past-recipients/#JCWREaward, 2018
- Golden Fleece Award - Lifetime Achievement
Presented by California Wool Growers Associaton, 2017
- Outstanding Achievement Award - Stewardship
Presented by Society of Range Management, 2015
- Western Extension Directors' Association Award of Excellence - Rangeland Watershed Program
Presented by Western Region Extension, 2012
- Webpage Award - Silver
Presented by Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals, 2011
- Western Extension Directors' Association Award of Excellence - Farm Water Quality Planning Project
Presented by Western Region Extension, 2008
- Outstanding Teamwork Distinguished Service Award
Presented by UC ANR, 2006
- DANR North Coast & Mountain Region Certificate of Recognition for Implementation of State Rangeland Water Quality Plan
Presented by UC ANR, 2001
Sheep & goat production, range cattle production, rangeland, watershed, water quality, computer applications.Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Livestock and Dairy
- Beef Cattle / Beef / Other Cattle Prod
- Goats and Goat Products
- Sheep, Sheep Meat and Wool
- Grasses - General
- Grasses, Annual
- Grasses, Perennial
- Hay
- Pasture
- Pasture, General
- Pasture, Dryland and Seeded
- Pasture - Irrigated
- Natural Resources and Commodities
- Range
- Hardwoods
- Watersheds and River Basins
- Watersheds
- Animals and Their Systems
- Animal Management Systems
- Natural Resources and Environment
- Conservation and Efficient Use of Water
- Watershed Protection and Management
- Soil, Plant, Water, Nutrient Relationships
- Management of Range Resources
- Economics, Markets, and Policy
- Economics of Agricultural Production and Farm Management
- Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
- Sustainable Natural Ecosystems
- Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases
- Water Quality, Quantity, and Security
- Health of Californians and California’s Agricultural Economy
- Sustainable Food Systems
Peer Reviewed
McGourty, G., D. Lewis, J. Metz, J. Harper, R. Elkins, J. Christian-Smith, P. Papper, L. Schwankl, T. Prichard, 2020. Agricultural water use accounting provides path for surface water use solutions. California Agriculture, January-March 2020; Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 46-57.
George, Melvin, John Harper, Josh Davy, Theresa Becchetti, and Maier Gabriele. 2020. Livestock Production. In: Melvin George, (tech. ed.). Ecology and Management of Annual Rangelands. Publ. 8546. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 23 pgs. https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8546.pdf.
Macon, DK; Lile, DF; Koopmann Rivers, C; Schohr, T; Snell, L; Harper, J; Ingram, R; Rodrigues, K; Baldwin, RA; Saitone, T; Macaulay, L; Roche, L (2019). Direct and indirect impacts to ranchers from wolves and other predators: Building a baseline in California. Proc. 28th Vertebr. Pest Conf.D. Woods. 74-76.
Macon, D.K., R.A. Baldwin, D.F. Lile, J. Stackhouse, C.K. Rivers, T. Saitone, T.K. Schohr, L.K. Snell, J. Harper, R. Ingram, K. Rodrigues, L. Macaulay, and L.M. Roche. 2018. Livestock protection tools for California ranchers. Oakland: University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 8598. 15 pages. https://ucanr.edu/sites/Rangelands/files/281964.pdf
- McGourty, G.; Lewis, D., et al. (2016). Assessment of Vineyard Water Use for Irrigation and Frost Protection in Two Watersheds in Northern California, USA. Proceedings. 19th International Meeting of Viticulture GiESCO (Group of international Experts of vitivinicultural systems for Cooperation). Peche-Rouge-Montpellier, France. 1:19, 126-129. May 31-June 5, 2015.
- Macon, D.K.; Barry, S., et al. (2016). "Coping with drought on California rangelands." Rangelands 38(4): 222-228.
- Brownsey, P.; James, J.J., et al. (2016). "Using Phenology to Optimize Timing of Mowing and Grazing Treatments for Medusahead (Taeniatherum caputmedusae)." Rangeland Ecology & Management
- Harper, J.M.; George, M.R., et al. (2013). Guidelines for Residual Dry Matter on Coastal and Foothill Rangelands in California. 21.41. http://youtube/Jp4ekCJB1YU
- George, M; Larson-Praplan, S., et al. (2011). "California's Rangeland Water Quality Management Plan: An Update." Rangelands 33(1): 20-24.
- Lennox, M.S.; Lewis, D.J., et al. (2011). "Development of Vegetation and Aquatic Habitat in Restored Riparian Sites of California's North Coast Rangelands." Restoration Ecology 19(2): 225-233.
- Oltjen, J.; Bradley, F., et al. (2011). Raising Animals. Small Farm Handbook.B. Faber and L. Tourte. Oakland, CA, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3526: 145-162.
- George, M.; Harper, J., et al. (2008). Clayey Unstable Ecological Site Description (R015XI007CA). Ecological Site Information System. USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Natural Resources Conservation Service. http://esis.sc.egov.usda.gov/
George, M.; Barry, S., et al. (2008). Fine Loamy Upland Ecological Site Description (R015XI012CA). Ecological Site Information System. USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Natural Resources Conservation Service. http://esis.sc.egov.usda.gov/
George, M.R.; Harper, J.M.; Larson, S.; Lennox, M. (2008). Loamy Hills Ecological Site Description (R015XI014CA). Ecological Site Information System. USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Natural Resources Conservation Service. http://esis.sc.egov.usda.gov/
- George, M.; Larson, S., et al. (2008). Loamy Upland Ecological Site Description (R015XI015CA). Ecological Site Information System. USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Natural Resources Conservation Service. http://esis.sc.egov.usda.gov/
George, M.; Larson, S., et al. (2008). Very Stony Loam Ecological Site Description (R015XI008CA). Ecological Site Information System. USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Natural Resources Conservation Service. http://esis.sc.egov.usda.gov/
George, M.; Harper, J.; Larson, S.; Lennox, M. (2007). Loamy Ecological Site Description (R015XI005CA). Ecological Site Information System. USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Natural Resources Conservation Service. http://esis.sc.egov.usda.gov/
Harper, J.M. (2007). Pears: An Alternative Feed. University of California - Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 7266. 2 pages. https://ucanr.org/freepubs/docs/7266.pdf
Harper, J.; Klonsky, K.; Livingston, P. (2007). Sample Costs for a 50-Head Organic Cow-Calf Operation in the North Coast Region of California. University of California - Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8282. 16 pages. https://ucanr.org/freepubs/docs/8282.pdf
- George, M.R.; Barry, S., et al. (2006). "Comparison of Comparative Yield and Stubble Height for Estimating Herbage Standing Crop in Annual Rangelands." Journal of Rangeland Ecology & Management 59: 438-441.
Harper, J.; Lewis, D.; Tate, K.; Poe, M. (2006). Sediment Delivery Inventory and Monitoring: A Method for Water Quality Management in Rangeland Watersheds. University of California - Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 6503D. DVD 28 minutes.
Gerstein, J.; Lewis, D.; Rodrigues, K.; Harper, J.M. (2006). State and Federal Approach to Control of Nonpoint Sources of Pollution. University of California - Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8203: 7 pages. https://ucanr.org/freepubs/docs/8203.pdf
- Harper, J. (2006). State and Federal Approach to Control of Nonpoint Sources of Pollution. UC-DANR Publication 8203. 7. https://ucanr.org/freepubs/docs/8203.pdf
Larson, S.; Smith, K. R., et al. (2005). "Evaluation of California's Rangeland Water Quality Education Program." Journal of Rangeland Ecology & Management 58(5): 514-522.
- George, M.R.; Harper, J.M., et al. (2005). Implementation, participation and evaluation of a voluntary water quality protection program for grazingland owners and managers. XX International Grassland Congress.F. O'Mara, R. Wilkins, L. 'tMannetje, D. Lovett, P. Rogers and T. Boland. Wageningen, The Netherlands, Wageningen Academic Publishers. 693.
Lennox, M.; Lewis, D.; Jackson, R.; Harper, J.; Katz, R.; Larson, S.; Allen-Diaz, B.; Tate, K. (2004). Riparian Revegetation Evaluation in North Coastal California. AWRA's (American Water Resources Association) 2004 Summer Specialty Conference Riparian Ecosystems and Buffers: Multi-Scale Structure, Function, and Management. R. Lowrance. Middleburg, Virginia, American Water Resources Association. TPS-04-2: 7.
Harper, J.M.; Lennox, M.; Lewis, D.; Jackson, R.; Katz, R.; Allen-Diaz, B.; Tate, K. (2004). Riparian Revegetation Evaluation in North Coastal California. Riparian Ecosystems and Buffers: Multi-scale Structure, Function, and Management (Proceedings), Olympic Valley, CA, American Water Resources Association.
George, M.R.; Harper, J.M.; Larson, S.; Jolley, L. (2002). California's Ranch Water Quality Short Course. In Proceedings of the Society for Range Management 55th Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO, Rangelands Vol. 23 #5, 2002.
Bianchi, M.; Harper, J.; Tate, K. (2002). Reference Sheet 3.1 Practices for Reduction of Nonpoint Source Pollution from Irrigated Agriculture. Farm Water Quality Planning Series. University of California - Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8075. (http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8075.pdf)
Fallon, J.; Harper, J. (2002). Reference Sheet 7.4 Farm Maps. Farm Water Quality Planning Series. University of California - Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8061. (http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8061.pdf)
Bianchi, M.; Jones, A., et al. (2002). Reference Sheet 8.1 Water Pollution Control Legislation. Farm Water Quality Planning Series. University of California-Division of Agriculture and Natural Resource. Publication 8088. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8088.pdf
- Bianchi, M.; Jones, A., et al. (2002). Reference Sheet 8.4 Priority Watersheds. Farm Water Quality Planning Series. University of California - Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8074. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8074.pdf
Harper, J.M.; Bianchi, M.; Jones, A. (2002). Reference Sheet 8.5 Self-determined Compliance. Farm Water Quality Planning Series. University of California - Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8076.
- Lewis, D.; Tate, K., et al. (2001). Locating of Sediment Source Sites on California North Coast Rangelands. California Agriculture. 55:4, 32-38.
- Lewis, D.; Vance, L., et al. (2001). Stream temperature in the Garcia River: The Relationships of Air Temperature, Canopy, and Geographic Position to Stream Temperature. California Riparian Systems: Processes and Floodplains Management, Ecology, and Restoration (Proceedings), Sacramento, CA.
Harper, J.M.; Dahlgren, R.; Tate, K.; Lewis, D.; Atwill, R.; Allen-Diaz, B. (2001). Watershed research examines rangeland management effects on water quality. California Agriculture. 55: 64-71.
Harper, J.M.; Lewis, D.; Tate, K.; (2000). Sediment Delivery Inventory and Monitoring: A Method for Water Quality Management in Rangeland Watersheds. University of California - Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8014. (http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/RangelandMonitoringSeries/8014.aspx
George, M.; Harper, J.; Larsen, S.; Weitkamp, B.; George, H.; Jolley, L. (1998). Implementing California's Rangeland Water Quality Management Plan: Ranch Water Quality Management Planning Short Courses for rangeland owners. In: Donald E. Potts (Ed.). 1998. Proceedings of AWRA (American Water Resources Association) Specialty Conference, Rangeland Management and Water Resources, American Water Resources Association. Herndon, VA. TPS-98, 299 pages.
Harper, J.; Schott, T.; Poe, M. (1996). Tomki Watershed A Project of Community Concern. #V96-D. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Communication Services and Mendocino County Resource Conservation District. 20 Minutes
Alhadhrami, G.; Huber, J. T.; Harper, J. M.; Al-Dehneh, A. (1993). "Effect of Adding Varying Amounts of Urea on Preservation of High Moisture Alfalfa Hay." Journal of Dairy Science 76: 1375-1386.
- Harper, J. M. (1992). Feeding Stations of Feeder Lambs (Ovis aires) As an Indicator of Diminished Forage Quality and Supply While Grazing South Central Arizona Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). University of Arizona. Master of Science, 71 pages.
Harper, J.M.; Ruyle, G.B. (1992). "Management Implications of Feeder Lamb Grazing Behavior." Journal of Animal Science 70(1): 166.
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Beef Safety and Quality Assurance - Member
- Livestock Production Systems - Member
- Native American Community Partnerships - Member
- Oak Woodland Conservation - Member
- Sheep and Goat Herd Health and Production - Member
- Small Farm - Member
- Wildlife - Member