JOB ANNOUNCEMENT :: Agronomy and Weed Management Advisor Applied Research and Extension

JOB ANNOUNCEMENT :: Agronomy and Weed Management Advisor Applied Research and Extension

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Position: Agronomy and Weed Management Advisor Applied Research and Extension (AP#22-06) Merced

Location: This position will be headquartered in the UCCE Merced County office in Merced, CA but will also serve Stanislaus and San Joaquin counties.

Closing date: September 26, 2022

Job Description:


UC ANR is hiring an Agronomy and Weed Management Advisor located at UCCE Merced, in Merced, CA. For more information and how to apply, follow the link:

The Agronomy and Weed Advisor will implement an innovative extension education and applied research program to address issues related to sustainably optimizing agronomic cropping systems in Merced, Stanislaus, and San Joaquin Counties.

This position offers the opportunity to address a myriad of issues related to variety evaluation, soil and fertilizer management, irrigation, integrated weed management, pest programs, and crop profitability. Primary crops include irrigated forage and silage crops, cotton, small grains, dry beans, corn, and alfalfa.

Opportunities abound for extension and research partnerships with a variety of stakeholders and partnerships, including commodity boards and agronomic crop organizations as well as the CDFA, CA DPR Pest Management Alliance/IPM program, and the Western IPM and Western SARE grant opportunities.

A minimum of a Master's degree in plant science, agronomy, pest management, and crop production, or related field is required at the time of appointment. The candidate should have knowledge of weed science, and must possess or obtain a Qualified Pesticide Applicator Certificate (QAC) or License (QAL) within one year. In addition the candidate should have a passion and desire to pursue a career in Cooperative Extension.

The beginning salary will be in the Cooperative Extension Assistant Advisor Rank and commensurate with applicable experience and professional qualifications.  For information regarding Cooperative Extension Advisor salary scales, please refer to the University of California website:   If the successful candidate is currently a UCCE Advisor, the candidate will be offered the position without change to the candidate's current rank, step, salary and/or appointment terms; and if applicable, is eligible to retain indefinite status. 

To assure full consideration, application packets must be received by September 26, 2022 – (open until filled).

Please contact Alma Jackson @ if you should have any questions.


By Gale Perez
Posted by - Public Education Specialist

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