A recent announcement for the Twentynine Palms (CA) annual weed show got me thinking about how we (okay...I...) view unwanted plants. As a weed scientist, I spend >99% of my time thinking critically about weeds...specifically, their biology, ecology and management. The remainder of the time, I am actually enjoying them as botanical specimens worthy of admiration. In honor of the Twentynine Palms Historical Society's 75th (75th!!!!!) annual weed show (November 7 and 8, 2015), I'm providing you with something completely different...a few of my photographs highlighting weeds in their own unique glory.
Dandelion. Taraxacum officianale (Woodland, CA)
Field Bindweed. Convolvulus arvensis (Davis, CA)
Yellow starthistle. Centaurea solstitialis (Woodland, CA)
Narrowleaf plantain. Plantago lanceolata (Torres del Paine NP, Chile)
If you are interested, and able, consider attending the Twentynine Palms annual weed show.