University of California scientist receives WSSA award

Feb 8, 2017

Yesterday, the Weed Science Society of America honored several members for their outstanding contributions to the Society and the discipline. 

JD from 2017-WSSA-awards-program

Among the awardees this year was, Dr. Joe DiTomaso, Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist at UC Davis.  Joe received the Outstanding Research Award which was established to recognize research contributions in both applied and basic weed science that demonstrated originality and creativity and had an impact on the field.  The Weed Science Society (and his UC colleagues) congratulate Joe DiTomaso on this award and for career-long impact and leadership.

An undergraduate Plant Science student working in the UC Davis weed science program also received one of the nine undergraduate student research awards granted by the Society.  Drew's research proposal includes evaluating the impacts of temperature on how -resistant and -susceptible populations of junglerice respond to glyphosate (way to go Drew!). 

In addition to Joe and Drew, there were several other 2017 WSSA awardees with UC connections including:

  • Dr. Kevin Gibson from Purdue University (PhD in Ecology from UC Davis) - "Outstanding Paper in Invasive Plant Science and Managment"
  • Dr. Wun Chao from USDA-ARS in North Dakota (PhD in Genetics from UC Riverside) - "Outstanding Paper in Weed Science"
  • Dr. Amit Jhala from University of Nebraska (postdoc at UC Davis) - "Outstanding Early Career Weed Scientist"
  • Dr. Michael Barrett from University of Kentucky (PhD in Botany from UC Davis) - "WSSA Public Service Award"

WSSA press release and awards program here:



By Brad Hanson
Author - Cooperative Extension Specialist