Celebrating Gardeners with Heart: Sustainable Landscaping Stewards Making a Difference

Apr 21, 2023

We are thrilled to introduce you to six outstanding UC Master Gardener volunteers: Nanette Londeree, Marie Narlock, Lisa Stahr, Husam Yousef, Alex Shippee, and Paula Pashby. These talented UC Master Gardeners have earned recognition as Gardeners with Heart due to their remarkable contributions as sustainable landscaping stewards within their communities. Join us as we showcase the inspiring work of these exceptional gardeners and celebrate their unwavering dedication to nurturing the environment and enriching the lives of those around them!



Nanette Londeree and Marie Narlock

Nanette Londeree and Marie Narlock took up the challenge to lead the charge for sustainable practices in Marin County. They developed Earth-Friendly Gardening, a project promoting environmentally conscious gardening techniques. As a result of their efforts, they've reached thousands of people through videos, webpages, and a demonstration garden at the Marin County Fair. Their work has laid the foundation for new member training, public outreach lectures, and more in the UC Master Gardeners of Marin community.

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Lisa Stahr

Lisa Stahr joined the UC Master Gardener program in Sonoma County in 2022 with a clear mission: to spread the word about the vital role California native plants play in our global environmental struggle. As a UC ANR California Naturalist, Lisa combines her Master Gardener and Naturalist training with her marketing expertise to educate others about the importance of choosing, growing, and maintaining native plants. Her ongoing video series builds awareness and inspires everyone to nurture native plants, support wildlife, and rebuild fragile ecosystems one backyard at a time. “People should know that by providing "nurseries" for local insects, food for bees, moths, and birds, and shelter for a wide range of insects, birds, and mammals, native plants can have an outsized role in increasing biodiversity, rebuilding lost habitat, and combatting climate change within our own communities,” shares Lisa.

Master Gardener volunteers unload trees from a moving van
Four master gardener's stand in front a truck with trees in pots in its trunk
Alex Shippee (far left) and Master Gardeners at a public tree-education event

Husam Yousef and Alex Shippee

Husam Yousef is a dedicated leader in the Trees for Tomorrow project, providing tree care talks and free trees to residents in low-shade neighborhoods all around San Bernardino County. Over the past three years, more than 900 trees have been given away, thanks to Husam's commitment and expertise in tree planting and care. He's helped ensure these trees grow strong and healthy, maximizing their societal and ecosystem benefits.

Alex Shippee is a talented graphic designer and translator who has contributed significantly to the Trees for Tomorrow project. Alex's work has enabled over 100 residents to receive trees and care information in both English and Spanish in just six months. His dedication has ensured the longevity and impact of the project as well as helped to ensure the benefit of climate-adapted trees for anyone in San Bernardino County.

Paula Pashby

Paula Pashby is a passionate gardener who's always eager to make new connections within her community in Solano County. She's been instrumental in the restoration of the Pena Adobe Garden, a native plant garden that had fallen into disrepair. Through her outreach efforts, Paula has connected with various community groups, helping to raise awareness of sustainable gardening and the importance of pollinators.

We celebrate the remarkable Gardeners with Heart – Nanette, Marie, Lisa, Husam, Alex, and Paula – for their unwavering dedication to sustainable landscaping and environmental stewardship. Their collective efforts have made a tangible difference in their communities and serve as an inspiration to all of us. We thank them for their invaluable service and for encouraging everyone to embrace sustainability and make a positive impact on the environment.

About National Volunteer Month and Gardeners with Heart

During National Volunteer Month (April 1 - 30), the UC Master Gardener Program celebrates its 6,300 incredible UC Master Gardener volunteers and their contributions to California communities. Throughout the National Volunteer Week, will feature stories of special volunteers or Gardeners with Heart from across the state who use their skills to improve program delivery. Gardener's with Heart volunteers were nominated by their local county leadership for the impact they make every day in their communities.


By Melissa G. Womack
Author - Assistant Director, Impact & Communication