Fire Resources

Fire is all but inevitable in our Mediterranean climate, and after 1000's of years, it has shaped the way plants and animals have adapted.
In order to protect ourselves and manage our wildlands in a sustainable and ecological manner, it is crucial we understand the complex role wildland fire plays in California's ecosystems and how to live with and use fire as a tool.
In these pages we have compiled some fire resource we think might be helpful in understanding this complex issue.
A comprehensive guide of fire in California
UCCE Humboldt-Del Norte Fire website
Wildfire Guidance for Home & Business Owners
Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety
Home Survival in Wildfire-Prone Areas - Building Materials and Design Considerations
Reducing the Vulnerability of Buildings to Wildfire: Vegetation and Landscape Guidelines
National Fire Protection Association - Firewise USA

Mendocino Fire Recovery Information Group

Due to Mendocino County's diverse landscape, people and situations, we have assembled a broad range of information you may need to start your recovery work to protect your resources. We compiled pertinent technical information and expertise so you can make decisions on what you may need to do to protect your resources. The timeline is short as the fall season is approaching and additional fires and/or winter rains can cause severe damage to our natural resources.
The following web pages have centralized, somewhat localized sources of information, please make use of these resources:
Information for homeowners and communities on defensible space, living in a fire-prone landscape, fire prevention, and protection.
Do's and Don't of restoration, fire recovery processes, sediment control, landslide hazards, soil, road and stream care.
Guidelines for fuel breaks, forest health, reforestation, regeneration, assessing tree damage and mortality and surveying for invasive plants.
Recovery workshops, financial assistance, seed/straw specifications, lists of support services ie seed, erosion control supplies, foresters, contractors and other websites.
- Here is a checklist should you have to evacuate. Evacuation Order Checklist