Redwood Forest Management

Jackson Demonstration State Forest (JDSF) is the largest of eight California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) state forests. This is a working forest that conducts research on redwood forest ecology and management, and demonstrates forestry practices while providing excellent recreational opportunities.
More information can be found on JDSF on the Cal Fire website.
Casper Creek Experimental Watershed Study
Established in 1961 as a cooperative effort between the CAL FIRE and the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, this continuing project has evolved from a simple paired watershed study into one of the most comprehensive and detailed investigations of the effects of timber management on streamflow, erosion and sedimentation.
UC ANR Forest Research and Outreach - Sequoia sempervirens
USDA Forest Service FEIS - Sequoia sempervirens
(Circa 1940) A 10min video and very worth watching.
Logging Railroads of Humboldt and Mendocino Counties
Katy Tajha, 2013. Arcadia Publishing. Note that this link takes you to a preview of the book.
Changes in the Redwood Region from 1996-2016
Research from the Neale Lab at UC Davis on the genetics of redwood and giant sequoia.
Coast Redwood Science Symposium - 2016
Redwood Region Forest Science Symposium - 2011
Redwood Region Forest Science Symposium - 2004
Redwood Region Forest Science Symposium - 1996
1903 Forest Description of Mendocino County, California
(Smith 1903) - Excerpt from a 1903 document describing redwood and other forest types in Mendocino County.
Coble et al., 2020 - "We identify three distinct periods of expected low flow responses as regrowth occurs following forest harvest... Our review suggests that the magnitude of low flow responses attenuates downstream as a broader mosaic of stand ages occurs and multiple hydrological periods are represented."
Fire history in coast redwood forests of the Mendocino Coast, California
(Brown and Baxter, 2003) - Reconstructed fire history in old-growth redwood stands along an ocean-to-inland gradient in Jackson Demonstration State Forest.