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Contact your county

You sign up as a volunteer through your local county Cooperative Extension office. The 4-H Representative in the Extension office can help you find clubs near you and start you on the process of becoming a volunteer. 

County UCCE Office- 707-463-4495

All new 4-H volunteers must go through a screening process. Our #1 priority in 4-H is the safety of young people. We do all we can to protect young people and keep them safe while they are in our care. An important part of providing a safe environment is to conduct background checks on our volunteers and staff. Everyone that will be spending an extended time with our 4-H youth is screened. When you become a 4-H volunteer, you are part of the plan to keep our young people safe.


1. Complete the online 4-H Volunteer Interest Survey in English or Spanish 

4-H Volunteer Interest Survey


2. Create an adult volunteer profile on Z Suite.

* Please note that the email address you enter in the Family email is the primary way you will receive communications from 4-H. After creating your profile, please check your Family email for information on next steps to becoming an approved Volunteer. If you do not receive an email, please verify that the email entered in 4-H Online is correct and notify your county 4-H Representative.

3. Complete a Live Scan background check with the California Department of Justice. 

*Call UCCE Office and speak to Michelle for the latest livescan document and process


4. New Volunteer Training-HERE

For volunteers starting their first year as a volunteer or coming back after a break of a year or more. The course includes essential parts of 4-H service, such as orientation, CANRA guidelines, and the 4-H Thriving Model for Positive Youth Development. Individuals will also learn about 2-Deep Supervision and how to create a safe and welcoming environment for all youth.

  • Course length: 1 hour and 35 minutes (can be done in multiple sessions).

Returning Volunteer Course

5. Approval

The County Director reviews and approves 4-H volunteer appointments after

  • You are signed up online via Z Suite
  • You have passed the screening process: DOJ & FBI Livescan
  • You complete all of the New Volunteer Training required in your county.

Once you are approved, the fun begins!

  • Start connecting with 4-H families about your new role.

5. If you are a Project Leader- Submit your project curriculum outline and sources to the County Program Representative (Jessica F.) for approval via email : jfarfan@ucanr.edu

Como voluntario, desempeñará un papel importante en el desarrollo de los jóvenes, ayudándolos a identificar su chispa y desarrollar las habilidades y los resultados positivos que los llevarán a prosperar.